Friday 27 March 2015

Mangalore Buns

Mangalore Buns

" Mangalore Buns ", is a" Deep Fried" perfect evening tea time snack which is prepared out of ripe banana. Here goes the recipe:
Ingredients: (This measurement makes 12 buns)
1/4 cup curd
cooking soda a pinch
2 very ripe banana
8 spoon of sugar
Maida, approximately 2 cups
Ghee a generous amount
Salt a pinch

Mash 2 ripe banana with 8 spoon sugar, pinch soda and 1/ 4 cup curd, once smashed well add all purpose flour slowly till u form huge mass, finely add ghee and mix it well, keep it covered for 2 to 3 hours. After 2 hours take out small ball and roll it to round shape, with the help of maida for dusting, roll it thickly, if its rolled thinly buns will not puff up. Deep fry both the sides!!!!
Enjoy hot buns with your favourite beverage!!!