Thursday 10 December 2015

Palak, White Lobia Curry

Ingredients  :

Fresh palak 1 bunch
Lobia  small 1 cup

For Masala 

Grated coconut 1 cup
Tamarind - small gooseberry size
Roasted red chilli - 6-7
Coriander seeds - 1/2 tsp
Asafoetida - Gum variety ( Feenugreek seed size )

Coconut oil 2 tsp


Soak lobia overnite  and pressure cook it for 2 whistles next day.

Chop palak roughly and cook it in small pan with little water.

Make masala by grinding  grated coconut, tamarind & red chillies into smooth paste, before taking out masala add asafoetida & coriander seeds and grind for 1 second.

Now add cooked palak to lobia & add masala, salt  & little water and boil it will.

Finally add coconut oil !!!

Enjoy with rice or roti :)

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