Wednesday 20 May 2015

Gulla Bharth ( Brinjal in coconut Masala )

Amchi version  of "Baingan Ka Bhartha",a simple amchi recipe and requires "no heating".
I got this recipe from one of my face book friend Archana, thanks Archana for the yummy recipe :) Here comes the recipe.


Brinjals  5-6 ( I used seasonal Udupi brinjals, i.e.  Matti Gulla )

For masala :

Grated coconut 1/2 cup
Roasted red chillies 4-5
Tamarind small piece
Raw garlic flakes 4-5

Salt for tatse

Garnishing :

Chopped onion

Method :

Chop the brinjals and cook it in little water, peel off the skin once its cools down, smash it well.

Grind items to grind ( except garlic ) into smooth paste, just before taking out masala add  garlic flakes and grind again.

Add ground masala to smashed brinjals , add salt and mix well.

Before serving add chopped onion. 

Relish it with hot rice or roti


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