Tuesday 12 May 2015

Sprouted Mooga Usli With Phova Chutney

One of the healthiest filling breakfast item which require little preparation of sprouting the green gram, rest of the preparation is easy. Its a breakfast menu usually prepared during fasting days :)

Ingredients : ( Serves 2 people )

For Mooga Usli

Green gram / Moong 1 cup
Grated fresh coconut 2 tbsp
Jaggery small pinch
Salt for taste

Seasoning :
Musturd seeds 1/2 tsp
Slit Green Chillies 2 or according to spiciness you prefer

Curry Leaves - few

Method :

Soak green gram overnite, next day strain the water and tie it in muslin cloth and keep it in warm place for day or two, sprouts are ready.

Now you can either pressure cook this sprouts or you can cook it in small vessel with water just enough for sprouts to cook.

Now heat oil and season it with musturd now add green chillies and curry leaves add sprouts , salt, jaggery and cook it for a minute or so, finally add grated coconut and mix well.

For Phova Chutney :

Phova ( Thin Variety ) 1 cup

To grind

Grated coconut  1/2 cup
Roasted red chillies -3 to 4
Raw corriander seeds 1tsp
Raw jeera 1/2 tsp
jaggery 4-5 spoon

Salt for taste


Grind ingredients to grind into very coarse paste , better to do in  whip option in mixer, now add salt to the mixture mix well and finally add phova, don't  put too much pressure while mixing phova, mix it gently. Phova chutney is ready .

Relish sprouted Mooga Usli with phova chutney :)

Note :

If you prefer to pressure cook green gram, just pressure cook it for only one whistle , don't over cook it, it will turn mushy .




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