Monday 1 June 2015

Batate Songa ( Potato in Coconut Gravy with onion seasoning )

Every one will sing a song we amchis "eat a song " ha ha sounds funny rite :P Jokes apart. Its a authentic konkani  delicacy which goes really yummy with dosa specially neer dosa or roti or even with hot rice !!!  Lets go to the recipe part 

Ingredients : ( Serves 2-3 people)

Potatoes 4
Onion 2 small or 1 large 
Salt for taste

For masala 

Grated coconut 1/2 cup
Roasted red chillies 7-8
Tamarind - Marble size
Coriander seeds  1/2 tsp


Finely chopped onion 1
Coconut oil 1/2 tsp

Method  :

Chop potatoes and onions into cubes and pressure cook it for 3 whistles, take care not to over cook it.

Meanwhile prepare smooth masala by grinding masala ingredients by adding little water,

Now add ground masala to boiled item, add little water, salt and allow it to boil for 2 minutes.

Finally season it with seasoning items !!!!

Enjoy it with hot rice / roti !!!!

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