Thursday 14 July 2016

Kirlanu Mooga Ambat ( Sprouted Green Gram Curry )

One of the authentic GSB delicacy, Kiralanu in konknai means " Sprouted" ambat usally means any curry which has onion seasoning!! Its mild curry which really goes well with hot rice n any pickle.So here is the recipe.

Ingredients :

  • Sprouted green gram 1 cup
  • Mangalore cucumber 1 cup
  • Onions 2
  • Salt to taste.
  • Oil for seasoning
For masala :
  • Grated coconut 3/4 cup
  • Roasted red chillies 5-6
  • Tamarind - small gooseberry size
Method :
  • Cook sprouted green gram along with managlore cucumber along with one chopped onion adding little salt, till its cooked, don't over cook it.
  • Grind masala items into smooth paste..
  • Add ground masala into cooked items, add salt n boil well.
  • Finally season it with finely chopped onions till its brown.
Relish it with rice !!!!

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