Tuesday 29 March 2016

Nanchane Udda ( Finger Millet Juice ) Version 2

 Perfect  thirst quencher  to keep your body cool & healthy during hot summer :)!!!  Have already posted another version using milk. In this version its just 4 ingredients and your drink is ready !!! 


Whole ragi 1 cup
Powdered jaggery 1/2 cup or more
Water 3 cups
Cardamom powder 2 tsp

Method :

Just clean the whole ragi and wash it twice you get rid of any impurities.

 Sun  dry this ragi on thin muslin clothes for 30 minutes. ( I normally buy kg of ragi, clean, sun dry & store it )

Now grind this ragi with the help of little water n strain it in strainer, you will get thick paste, continue this grinding  process thrice  adding water to residue left in strainer.  At this stage you will collect good amount of  ragi paste.

To the above paste add 3 cups of water, powdered jaggery &  cardamom powder  mix well till jaggery dissolve & refrigerate it.

Tastes superb when served chill !!!

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