Friday 4 March 2016


One of the most famous  Konkani Delicacy which stands next line after " Dalithoy ". This is prepared with a leaf called " colocasia  leaf ". I guess no konkani people will say no to this typical dish pathrado.  My hubby is one person who dies for this dish, he always tells there should be one such software with which we can relish this pathrodo, which may be prepared in any part of the World :P. ( Jokes apart ).There are few methods with which its prepared. Here I am sharing one of the method which I normally follow :)


Colocasia leaves 15-20 tender ones
Rice - 1 cup ( Dosa rice )
Grated coconut - 3/4 grated part of half coconut
Tamarind - Big gooseberry size
Asafoetida - size of chana
Roasted red chillies 15-20 ( depending upon the spiciness you prefer )
Beaten rice / phova  ( thin variety )- 1 fistful ( thats make the pathrodo soft )
Salt for taste

Method :

Soak rice in  in enough water for hour or two. drain it completely

Wash & clean the leaves, remove the fibre from the leaves.

Grind soaked rice, along with grated coconut, chillies, tamarind, phova & salt  to a semi soft paste, finally add asafoetida & grind once.

Now on a kitchen slab place huge leaf facing upside down ( back surface up, & stalk end towards  you )

Start smearing layer of masla on the leaf ( see that masala covers all over ), place smaller leaf over it & repeat the procedure for 6 to 7 leaves.

Now first fold the sides & roll them tightly to form a cylindrical shape.

Repeat the procedure with remaining leaves.

Preheat the steamer and steam it for 25 to 30 mins.

Once its done, cut it into slices of desire thickness.

Relish hot with  coconut oil as a side dish with rice & dal or as a snack with  a hot cup of chai or coffee :) 

Notes :

Make sure the batter is not too thick nor too thin, it should be in such a consistency which is easy to smear on the leaf, so take care while adding water.

 If while cleaning the leaves if you get itching in your hands, its a indication that you will get itchiness once you eat pathrodo, in that case increase the amount of tamarind, which will reduce the itchiness :)

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